Allantra - Online Training Experts
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Features Overview
Custom Branding
• Access & Security
Student Desk
Course Content

Course Editing
Review Questions
Quizzes & Exams
Tracking & Documentation
Memo System

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Ascent Features

System Access

AVANTI gives YOU full control of all access in multiple levels, and it's unbelievably easy to manage.

Each user you enroll in the system has their own unique username and password. The Registrar of the system (someone you assign) can re-set passwords and control access level of each user.

Each user is assigned one or more roles:

    • Student
    • Coach
    • Instructor
    • Manager
    • Examiner
    • Learning Objects Drop Box
    • Registrar
    • Training Developer

The only ones you pay for are the Students – all the rest are free! (you do not need to buy an editing suite or pay extra for an administration module or anything like that).

Each Role gets the functions and data access they need, and nothing else. So, for example, an Instructor can see the marks for all students in his class, but not the marks for other classes he does not teach.

Course Access

Courses can be set as:

Self-Paced: Once course has been assigned, Student can take it whenever they want.

Scheduled: Set a beginning and ending date and time which the Student can access the course. Useful when a course is in conjunction with a live training event, for example.

Time Limited: Once the Student starts, they have a certain amount of time (weeks, days, hours, minutes). Particularly useful for exams.


Every user must login with a correct username and password. Everything in the system is password protected.

Network & Firewall Safe

Safe for networks

AVANTI does not download any software or applets to any users computer. It is completely firewall safe.

For those with higher than normal security requirements, SSL (Secure Socket Layer) protection is available.

On numerous occasions we have had client's I.T. departments perform security and technology impact assessments on AVANTI. We've always passed with no issues ever raised.

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